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McCarran Airport Lost and Found surplus auctions to be hosted online

Clark County and participating agencies will host a series of online government surplus auctions Oct. 28 through Nov. 17 on TNT Auction’s website.
Starting Wednesday an online auction begins for personal property acquired by the Clark County Public Administrator’s Office that the agency has received court approval to sell as part of its estate management duties.
Other online auctions will be held for McCarran Airport Lost and Found property, and vehicles and equipment and miscellaneous items being sold by Clark County and other government agencies including local police departments, area cities and the state of Nevada.
Catalogs for each sale, and the opening and closing dates and times for each auction, are posted on TNT’s website. Due to COVID-19 health concerns, all bidding will take place online during the auction periods.
Information about registering as a bidder and the terms and conditions for participation are posted on TNT’s website.
Clark County is hosting an on-site preview period at its auction lot from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10 to Nov. 14 for interested buyers to see vehicles and some miscellaneous items to be sold including furniture, computers and bicycles.
The auction lot is located at 4320 Stephanie Street, off East Flamingo Road near Dog Fancier’s Park. Due to COVID-19 concerns, no more than 50 people will be allowed on site during the preview period, and any visitors coming to the lot are required to wear face coverings.
People also will be asked to follow social distancing guidelines if they are waiting in line to be granted access to the auction lot. Property being sold by the airport and Public Administrator’s Office is not available for preview.
That property is packaged and sold in lots that are shown in photos posted on the website.
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