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Cork airport is desperately trying to reunite this lost pink teddy bear with its owners

Last Sunday staff in Cork Airport lost and found stumbled upon a lost pink teddy. Instead of bunging it in the Lost and Found department, they’ve made it their mission to find that now-empty-handed child.
By snapping a photo a day of the teddy doing a variety of things, the airport are doing their damnedest to ensure teddy finds its way home.
And it looks as though it may just be possible – as each post has been shared hundreds of times.
Day 3 at Cork Airport. Teddy has decided to entertain staff and passengers while waiting for his rightful little owner to claim him back. Please share and help us in our efforts to reunite Teddy and owner very soon.
Teddy’s latest post received more than 1,000 shares – and ever since the first of the series was posted, people have become very invested in his story. So much so, that they’ve begged the airport to keep the photos coming until Teddy’s owner is found. Cork Airport lost Property
One woman wrote: ‘Keep posting updates …. dying to see what happens – how could someone not miss this cutie?’
Another said: ‘Congrats to the caring staff of Cork Airport looking forward to the Reunion of owner!!’
Unfortunately, Teddy’s owners still haven’t come forward – but seeing as he’s only spent four days in the airport, his family could have realised he wasn’t with them as they were on route to their holiday, and perhaps they’re just waiting until they arrive back in Cork to collect him.
We hope that’s the case – otherwise, the airport should most definitely look into paying Teddy if they’re going to keep him on as staff.
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