Lost in transit: How not to spend 24 hours at Singapore’s Changi Airport

Singapore Airlines lost and found

I blame my children. Here I was all snuggled up in business class on a Singapore Airlines lost and found flight between Frankfurt and Singapore when reality suddenly hit.Singapore Airlines lost property I was totally, utterly relaxed. It could be something to do with the week touring Germany, the cognac I was drinking, or the… Continue reading Lost in transit: How not to spend 24 hours at Singapore’s Changi Airport

World’s Top 15 Airlines lost and found

How many time you forget to pick your iPad, phone,earphone, laptop etc when getting off from flight. Don’t worry its very common problem with all of us. Thousands of items are discovered everyday from flight worldwide. These items are kept in airlines lost and found department for a limited time period. After that these are… Continue reading World’s Top 15 Airlines lost and found