Airport Authority: Leung airport drama nothing but lost baggage

hong kong airport lost and found

Airport security was not breached and the whole episode was a matter of “lost baggage”. With those findings, the Airport Authority closed its investigation into a March 28 incident that embroiled Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and his family and led to accusations he abused his power.Read more on Hong Kong International Airport lost and found,… Continue reading Airport Authority: Leung airport drama nothing but lost baggage

World’s Top 15 Airlines lost and found

How many time you forget to pick your iPad, phone,earphone, laptop etc when getting off from flight. Don’t worry its very common problem with all of us. Thousands of items are discovered everyday from flight worldwide. These items are kept in airlines lost and found department for a limited time period. After that these are… Continue reading World’s Top 15 Airlines lost and found