New research reveals ‘weird to wonderful’ items lost at UK airports everyday

New research from Travel Supermarket has revealed that thousands of ‘weird to wonderful’ items are lost every day at airports across the UK. According to the research, passengers left behind 26,543 items at the Heathrow Airport lost property alone in the year ending May 2016. Between May 2015 and 2016, the UK’s busiest airport recorded… Continue reading New research reveals ‘weird to wonderful’ items lost at UK airports everyday

TSA lost-and-found at LAX overflowing with unclaimed laptops, smartphones

Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport lost and found

One hundred fifty-four laptops, 98 cellphones, 18 iPads and 32 wallets. These are among the thousands of items Los Angeles International Airport lost and found passengers have left at security checkpoints over the past month. And the TSA said Wednesday it would like to reunite them with their owners. As electronic gadgets replace books and… Continue reading TSA lost-and-found at LAX overflowing with unclaimed laptops, smartphones