Chicago Midway Airport’s Melody of Rediscovery

Nestled amidst the vibrant cityscape of Chicago, Midway International Airport stands as a gateway to the Windy City. Amidst the hustle and bustle of this bustling hub, there exists a place of serendipity – the Lost and Found office. Here, stories of loss find resolution, transforming moments of despair into tales of rediscovery. On a… Continue reading Chicago Midway Airport’s Melody of Rediscovery

Have your keys? Phone? Umbrella? A look at lost and found in airports, train stations

airport lost and found

Did you forget something? Got your wallet, purse, phone or diaper bag? Lose a glove? Credit card missing? Where’s your laptop? If you were a traveler or explorer in the city over the holidays, you may have had unfortunate moments of absent-mindedness and are now a bag lighter and shielded against the cold by only… Continue reading Have your keys? Phone? Umbrella? A look at lost and found in airports, train stations