WHEELCHAIR lost in London Stansted - STN Airport or in Air Europa Lineas Aereas .

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Property Lost WHEELCHAIR
Phone Privacy reason
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Lost Place Security Check In
Lost Country United Kingdom
Lost Airport London Stansted - STN lost and found
Lost Airline Air Europa Lineas Aereas lost and found
Flight Number W1317
Lost Date May 23,2014
Contact Time
Time Zone (GMT) - Greenwich Mean Time, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lo
Can Be notify By Email
Location Details Last seen when taken from coach in Coach Park en route to departure check-in.
Additional Information We were part of a group of around 150 organised by the Society of Our Lady of Lourdes who were flying on a 737-800 en route to LOURDES in France with around 50 disabled people. Our flight was arranged by tour operator, "Tangney Tours". The owner of the missing wheelchair is a disabled gentleman by the name of Roy William King who was put into an airport w'chair from the coach when his own couldn't be found. We think someone else was mistakenly put in Mr King's wheelchair and taken into the airport building prior to checking-in. The missing wheelchair is black and has the name "WHEELTECH" or 'WHEELTEC' or 'WHEELTEK' printed on the back. It may have also carried a 'Tangney Tours' baggage label - possibly red.

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