phone , two glasses, rucksack, 2 glasses , money lost in Madrid Barajas - MAD Airport or in BA CityFlyer .

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Property Lost phone , two glasses, rucksack, 2 glasses , money
Name Giuliana Bolos
Phone Privacy reason
Email Privacy reason
Lost Place Security Check In
Lost Country United Kingdom
Lost Airport Madrid Barajas - MAD lost and found
Lost Airline BA CityFlyer lost and found
Flight Number 329
Lost Date Feb 3,2025
Contact Time Any Time
Time Zone (GMT-3:00) - Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown
Can Be notify By Email
Location Details On the security check in conveyor belt
Additional Information A small beige rucksack with a zipper pocket outside and tiny orange elastics on both sides of it, containing: a blue case Samsung phone, two glasses, ( sunglasses and prescribed glasses) , an envelope with two hundreds dollars, and approximately 30 euros , a blue wallet , Brazilian documents and toothbrush.

Lost something at Madrid Barajas - MAD Airport or in BA CityFlyer flight? Click here to report online