A dark blue backpack with my belongings lost in Fergana - FEG Airport or in Turkish Airlines .

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Property Lost A dark blue backpack with my belongings
Name Aleksandr Temirbekov
Phone Privacy reason
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Lost Place Connecting Flight
Lost Country Turkey
Lost Airport Fergana - FEG lost and found
Lost Airline Turkish Airlines lost and found
Flight Number TK050
Lost Date Feb 1,2025
Contact Time Any Time
Time Zone (GMT+6:00) - Almaty, Dhaka
Can Be notify By call, Text message, Email
Location Details At the boarding Gate B 12 flight TK 050 to Tokyo
Additional Information My backpack was full of my belongings, including: my Kyrgyzstan passport # PE9102410, an ASUS laptop, with charging cable and a wireless mouse, an overcoat, a dark red plastic folder with print outs, a bottle of whiskey sealed by duty free plastic bag, boarding pass for TK050 flight to Tokyo, grey color neck pillow, 2 USB memory sticks, a key from the flat.

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