Child’s teddy bear lost in Changi International - SIN Airport or in Singapore Airlines .

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Property Lost Child’s teddy bear
Name Eileen Woods
Phone Privacy reason
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Lost Place Airport Food Court
Lost Country Singapore
Lost Airport Changi International - SIN lost and found
Lost Airline Singapore Airlines lost and found
Flight Number SQ245
Lost Date Aug 2,2024
Contact Time Any Time
Time Zone (GMT+10:00) - Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney
Can Be notify By Email
Location Details Last seen when we were eating at Burger King in Terminal 3. We walked from there to gate B10 so it could have been left in Burger King or dropped along the way.
Additional Information It is a teddy bear wearing a blue and yellow shirt that says Seamus Malcolm on the back. It is quiet scruffy in appearance but my son is very attached to it.

Lost something at Changi International - SIN Airport or in Singapore Airlines flight? Click here to report online